Introducing the Enhanced Retrofit Fabric Improvement Training (ERFIT) Programme 

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Delivered by NMITE and PureHaus in partnership with the Passivhaus Trust. Funded by DESNZ and Midlands Net Zero Hub

We aim to deliver 200 much needed ERFIT trained practitioners to the sector who will possess the technical knowledge and expert skills to install, advise and troubleshoot existing and new retrofit projects. NMITE is pleased to launch this exciting, and necessary upskilling opportunity to professionals within the sector, and learners looking to take a step forward in their career. 

As a learner, you will be recruited and trained from experts in a range of disciplines including, but not exclusively limited to:

  • Insulation Installers          
  • Retrofit Co-ordinators
  • Refurbishment Site Managers
  • Retrofit Assessors
  • Project Managers
  • Related building professionals
  • and SME jobbing builders

Through our ERFIT course, you'll be trained to have a deeper and greater technical understanding of insulation and fabric improvements and how they relate to, and perform, with other energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technologies. 

Are you a new sector learner? NMITE is pleased to provide an additional bolt-on course to early career specialists that will ensure you have the subject knowledge required to progress onto NMITE's Enhanced Retrofit Fabric Improvement Training. 

Who is the programme for?   Why choose ERFIT?

Upskill now and help achieve net zero

Our progressive programme has been designed to provide a detailed understanding of insulation and building fabric improvements and how they relate to other energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technologies.

Through this course you'll cover:

  • An introduction to retrofitting and building refurbishment.
  • Understanding insulation options & its effective application.
  • Thermal bridges and how to avoid them.
  • Airtightness and ventilation.
  • Windows, doors and draught proofing.
  • Renewable energy technologies and their relationship to fabric performance.
  • Building physics basics and tools to assess the best performing options.
  • Moisture and its impact on building fabric and performance.

Enrol NOW to secure the INTRODUCTORY OFFER PRICE OF £99 (inc. VAT) – limited spaces available

NMITE Retrofit Programme

Available Programme Dates

Online course dates for 2024 are:

  • Further dates will be released soon

Practical day course dates for 2024 are:

  • Further dates will be released soon

Who should choose ERFIT?

  • If you're already working in the sector within a role such as: Retrofit Assessors/Co-ordinators, Insulation Installers, building trades people, building professionals, site/refurbishment project managers, and jobbing builders.
  • If you're looking to get into the industry, some advance reading will be provided to introduce you prior to the course.

Why Choose ERFIT? 

  • Do you want to be a leader in the rapidly growing domestic retrofit market?
  • Would you like to be a pioneer and one of the first people in the UK to achieve the Enhanced Retrofit Fabric Improvements Training qualification?
  • 200 massively subsidised places available for training until 31st March 2024, part funded by the Government – the Department of Energy Security & Net Zero.
  • Save over £1,211, and only pay £99 including VAT for a three-day course (Limited time offer).
  • Limited FREE places available for people out of work or on a means tested benefit Check Eligibility
  • Learn from practical, experienced retrofit, building fabric, insulation, and building physics specialists drawn from across the country.
  • Access pre-course information, and resources and on-line self-assessment quizzes during and after your course as you learn through our Virtual Learning Environment platform, CANVAS.

Register now

Register your interest now via our form below, or click to view the available dates for our ERFIT programme. 

The ERFIT programme is certified through the National Open College Network. Led by the Passivhaus Trust and delivered by NMITE and Pure Haus. This programme is comprised of two separate on-line training days and a third in-person practical and assessment day (held at several locations in England).

Register Your Interest


ERFIT Disadvantaged Learners Criteria

The PHT, NMITE and PureHaus intend to use the definition of a disadvantaged person/worker (to now be termed ‘Learner’) as defined in Article 2.18 of the Regulation (EC) 800/2008 should be the overarching criteria, namely:

Article 2 Definitions 18.

‘disadvantaged worker’ means any person who:

(a) has not been in regular paid employment for the previous 6 months; or

(b) has not attained an upper secondary educational  or vocational qualification (ISCED 3); or

(c) is over the age of 50 years; or

(d) lives as a single adult with  one or more dependents; or

(e) works in a sector or profession in a Member State where the gender imbalance is at least 25 % higher than the average gender imbalance across all economic sectors in that Member State, and belongs to  that underrepresented gender group; or

(f) is a member of an ethnic minority within a Member State and who requires development of his or her linguistic, vocational training or work experience profile to enhance prospects of gaining access to stable employment.


  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Tax Credits (Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax Support
  • Social Fund (Sure Start Maternity Grant, Funeral Payment, Cold Weather Payment)
  • Universal Credit